Saturday, May 16, 2009

10 days of no posts

So it has been 10 days of no posts from me. I wasn't hiding. I was just extremely busy and couldn't get back into the groove of posting. So far my "half-dinner" diet has been going decent. For the most part, I have been eating only half of the dinner I used to eat. Now I save it to eat for lunch or dinner the next day. Walking in the morning has also been going well. I walked three mornings last week. I want to walk 4 weekday mornings. With the rain, it has been difficult. I'm trying to decide how I will continue doing my walking once school is over. I've been debating on waking up early when Dustin is still here and walking around the neighborhood. I would still be getting up early at 6:00, but that is much better than the 4:30 that I am doing now.

Another option is to wait til Xander wakes up and then we both go. I would have to go in the mornings before it got hot, but it might be doable. The only drawback of having Xander with me is he doesn't always want to sit in the stroller as long as I would like to walk. I may do both so that I don't always have to depend on Xander's stroller patience.

My new goal is eat loads of vegetables and fruit. I am planning on stocking up at Wal-Mart tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Day 3 of not eating Sue's Snacks!!! YAY!

This morning I ate Cocoa Krispies with skim milk and a banana. I ate a granola bar to keep me awake as I drove to work.

I walked two miles at work this morning. I'm pretty proud of myself.

For lunch, I ate a baked pork chop sandwich on 45 calorie bread and another banana. They are starting to brown on me and I don't want to throw them out.

Snack-3 Girl Scout cookies

Dinner- leftover Hibachi food. However, I am still hungry. My goal is to not eat anything else. I may brush my teeth so I don't snack.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Not too bad for a birthday

I didn't post my goals of this diet yesterday. My first goal is to be out of the Women's section of clothing. Goal #2 is to loose my pregnancy weight. I have 27 pounds to loose. Goal #3-Loose my post wedding weight which is another 20 pounds. And finally Goal #4- Get down to a healthy weight which would be about another 25 or 30 pounds. Yes, folks that is about 75 pounds. It may seem like a lot, but it took about 7 years to put on and will take a long time to get off. I would just like it to be gone by baby #2. So I have a couple of years, but it will take every last minute of it.

I don't feel like I did too bad today. I did wake up at 4:30 (on my birthday) to exercise. But Xander decided to wake up too. In the midst of trying to put him back to sleep (which didn't work) I wasn't able to walk. I did however, exercise last night with 30 minutes of Denise Austin's Pilates. It literally kicked my ass. Today, I didn't do the greatest on what I ate, but being my birthday, I honestly didn't do too shabby.

So today I ate...
Favorite fast breakfast: 2 cherry Toaster Strudels
Snack: glazed doughnut (It was Teacher Appreciation Day.)
Lunch: Tuna with fat free Mayo and pickles on 45 calorie bread, banana, low fat yogurt, a couple tortilla chips (pretty healthy lunch)
Dinner: 3 California rolls, 1 1/2 spring rolls, Hibachi grilled chicken, shrimp, fillet, lobster, mushrooms, zucchini, and steamed rice, a bite or two of red bean ice cream
Snack: Weight Watcher's attempt at an Snicker's ice cream bar

Goal for tomorrow is to walk in the morning. I hope it won't be raining. I may have to walk in the hallways at school. I gotta walk. Also my goal for tomorrow it to continue to NOT eat Sue's evil snacks.

Today I had to keep pulling up my pants. This is not unusual when I'm wearing the jeans on day 2, but on day 1 they are usually a little snug until the evening. It was actually kind of nice to need to pull them up.

Monday, May 04, 2009

It's worth a try

So I am going to try to blog about my diet everyday. If you were one of the few who read this blog and are getting a notification that I've made a new entry, you may decide to not follow me anymore. This will be about my dieting successes and failures day-to-day. It may be witty, but will probably be boring if I can even keep up with it. So, I guess you have been warned.

May 4
I didn't exercise today. I decided to sleep in since I stayed up late last night. It was worth it though.

Breakfast: Cocoa Krispies and skim milk
Snack: dry Special K cereal
Lunch: half a cold cut sandwich and half a container of Healthy Choice Veg soup
Snack: 6 caramel creams mmmm... they were delicious and did their job of keeping me awake while driving.
Dinner: pork chop, potatoes

I'm debating on ice cream, but the caramel creams earlier make me think I should skip it. Damn, caramel creams.

Plan to exercise either to a Yoga video or some other exercise video. I'm really tired though.

Successes: Didn't eat any of Sue's sweet snacks she has in her classroom.

Monday, April 16, 2007

One dream for every year...

I decided after reading Scott's dreams, I would make my own list. Since my birthday is so close, I decided to go ahead complete 26 dreams.

1. Become a great mother
2. To never get a divorce
3. Become a media specialist
4. Write a children's book
5. Become fluent in French
6. See the pyramids in Egypt
7. Have students remember me when they are adults
8. Be someone's most favorite teacher ever
9. To have a greenhouse full of plants
10. Show my daughter and/or son the art of Joss Whedon
11. Love my husband 100 years from now as much as I do today
12. Retire comfortably
13. See the earth from the moon
14. Go to Ireland
15. Volunteer at a library
16. Be a voice on a cartoon
17. To have patience with my children
18. See a humpback whale in the wild
19. To always make my parents proud
20. Climb Mt. Fuji
21. Take my mom to Europe
22. Be a better wife
23. Continue to always want to learn
24. Become close friends with my little sisters
25. Remain open minded regardless of my age
26. Feel happy about the way I look

Monday, April 02, 2007

Procrastination Prevails

I'm sitting in the coffee shop right now waiting on Dustin to get out of class. I should be working on my homework for my graduate class. However, I decided what better day to procrastinate than a Monday. So I'll do my assignment tomorrow...maybe.

Earlier today I had to go to the "girlie doctor" for my annual exam. I swear I think the speculum that is inserted into you to spread ya open reminds me of a duck's bill. So I'm laying on the table literally half-naked and can only think about how I have a duck bill inside me and that gynecologist should be required to warm their hands before touching you.

Hopefully the rest of my day will be a little more exciting.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Spring Break Begins

So my spring break has begun. I'm not really doing anything spectacular.

This past weekend: I went to the in-laws and painted a bedroom with Dustin. My hands are pretty sore from rolling. Tonight Dustin and I went to Lexington to see 300. It rocked and I can't wait to see it again.
Tomorrow: Sleeping in with Dustin, a doctor's appointment, and the rest of the day off with Dustin. It should be nice and relaxing.
Tuesday: I'm planning visiting a friend from college in the evening.
Wednesday: Chiropractor and massage. Possibly a haircut.
Thursday: No plans until night class.
Friday: No plans at all.
Next weekend: I am heading home to celebrate Easter with the fam.

Throughout the week I have to grade a butt load of papers, and hopefully watch a lot of House.