Wednesday, September 07, 2005


10 years ago: In the fall of 1995, I was starting my freshmen year of highschool. I really enjoyed playing soccer and being in the "pit" in marching band.

5 years ago:In the fall of 2000, I was starting my sophmore year of college. I had plans to be a musician and tour all over the world.

yesterday:I went to school around 6:15 AM and taught classes until 2:00, sat with students who had detention until 3:30, graded open response until 4:30, came home to leave for Weight Watchers, found out I've lost a total of 12.4 pounds, met Dustin, mom, Jarred and Kelly at Oh Chucks for dinner, mom took us to Wal-Mart for a free grocery trip on her, and then we went to Dairy Queen for my weekly Cherry Chocolate Love Blizzard, came home to unload groceries, and off to sleep.

5 snacks I enjoy: Edy's Swiss Orange Ice Cream, Applebee's Nachos, dry Trix cereal, Rally's Fries, and Red Vines Candy

5 songs I know all the words to: Under Your Spell sung by Amber Benson on season six of Buffy, To Martha by The Smashing Pumpkins ; At Last sung by Etta James; You Learn by Alanis Morissette; and Everything by Lifehouse.

5 things i would do with 100 million dollars:
Buy a house that was complete, buy new hybrid cars for Dustin and me, pay off loans and bills, help any of my family finished their college degrees, invest the rest and hopefully retire early with Dustin.

5 places I would run away to: France, Ireland, Japan, Australia, and any Sandals resort (Dustin would have to be with me for all these trips.)

5 things I would never wear: daisy dukes, go go boots, spandex shorts, spiked heeled boots, or a leather cowboy vest

5 tv shows that I love: Buffy, Roswell, Smallville, Scrubs, Boy Meets World

5 bad habits: popping my knuckles, picking scabs, working too late at school, rarely shaving my legs, and leaving my bra where ever I take it off (which is usually the living room.)

5 biggest joys: My husband, my family, my Quinny, my home, my friends

5 favorite toys: my Megan doll that my grandmother made, my Harry Potter book collection, my Buffy DVD collection, my Katie porcelain doll, and my laptop (only when it is working perfectly)

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